Legal Advice
A bankruptcy case is a legal proceeding affecting the rights of both debtors and creditors. Title 28 U.S.C. Sec 955 PROHIBITS any member of the Clerk's Office staff from giving any advice which may be considered legal in nature. Canon 2(f) and Canon 3 of the Judiciary's Code of Conduct also PROHIBITS this office from providing legal advice and further instructs the staff to remain impartial. Because bankruptcy is frequently complicated, it is strongly suggested that lay people obtain the services of an attorney.
- Access to Bankruptcy Court
- American Bankruptcy Institute
- AO Guidance on Chapter 7 Fee Waivers
- AO Guidance regarding Tax Information
- Approved Bankruptcy Notice Providers
- Judicial Conduct & Disability
- Bankruptcy Code
- Bankruptcy Fraud Hotline
- CARE Program
- Commercial Law League
- Federal Judiciary
- Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure
- Federal Rules of Bankruptcy & Civil/Criminal Procedure
- Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
- Health & Human Services Poverty Guidelines
- MIED - U.S. District Court WebSite
- MIED - U.S. District Court Local Rules
- National Creditor Registration Service
Trustee's Resources
- Office of the US Trustee
- Credit Counseling
- Debtor Education
- LOCAL (Eastern District, MI) - U.S. Trustee Guidelines
- Means Testing Information (Census Bureau and IRS data)